Here's an overview of who can see what's on your profile and the tools you can use to control what you share on your profile.



  • Navigate to edit profile.
  • Underneath each section of information you have given you will see pale grey writing stating your current visibility setting and next to this you will see a ‘change’ option for you to click and use the audience selector.

  • On the audience selector you will be given 4 options to choose from.
    • Public
    • All Members
    • My Connections
    • Only Me
  • You can also view and adjust your privacy settings by:
    • Visiting the drop down Menu underneath your profile picture.
    • Select Account Settings then click Privacy.
    • You will then be taken to your privacy page which will enable you to see all your information on a larger scale and you will be able to edit the audience visibility more quickly.

Bear in mind that:

  • Your profile picture, cover photo, first name, last name and nickname will be automatically set to public. You are unable to change the audience for these details.